Who Is Harris Miller

Who Is Harris Miller Cafe / Wine Bar

Who Is Harris Miller in Pyrmont is reengineering the words “cafe” and “food”. We liken it to the profound words of David Chang:

“Rage or fear... It oscillates. Rage I need to motivate me to try things that I can't ordinarily do - as I'm a lazy man. Fear - to keep pushing harder so we don't lose what we've accomplished.”

Headlining the team is Chadwah, cafe owner renown for the #chadwahpastry phenomenon.

Key ingredients: Soul to service?

Experience. “The only source of knowledge is experience.” Food. “One cannot think well, love well or sleep well if they have not dined well.” Enthusiasm. “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Passionate. “Our passion is our strength." Smile. “The prettiest thing you can wear.”
Teachable. "The greatest enemy of learning is knowing." Love. “Cooking is love made visible.” Service. “Only a life lived in the service of others is worth living." Coffee. “Coffee is my spirit animal.”