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11 Steps to Mastering Skype Interviews

Video interviews are becoming more and more common in the recruiting process. Here are some tips to put your best face forward.

1. Create a relevant username

You don’t want employers contacting you via your high school address or alter ego, so create a new professional username if needed. Keep it simple – best to use your full name too.

2. Dress up

Research the business to determine the dress code and replicate this style from the waist up. Just make sure what you’re wearing isn’t too cluttered. Bold patterns and images can look messy onscreen.

3. Optimise the sound

Choose a small, carpeted room if you can so your voice doesn’t echo. If you have a headset, use it. It’ll to filter out background noise and make your voice clearer. Also, remember to turn up the volume.

4. Check the lighting

Experiment with lighting well before the interview. You’ll find the best setup is where you are facing the light source, as backlit or overhead lighting can create dark shadows. Also, clean the lens so you’re looking as sharp as possible.

5.Remove distractions

Inform your housemates, turn off your phone, remove pets from the room, turn off social media alerts, and stay clear of windows looking onto the street. Also, make sure you have a solid wi-fi connection so it doesn’t cut out.

6. Clean the set

Look behind you. Would you hire someone with a pile of clothes and last night’s pizza box on the table? Minimise clutter and create a clean, neutral background.

7. Frame yourself properly

Position the camera between your eyes and your hairline, using books to raise your laptop if needed. This will give you the most natural framing. Also, remember to talk to the camera, not the screen, and don’t sit too close.

8. Cheat where you can

One advantage of a video interview is that not everything is visible. Take advantage of this. Wear slippers if you want to feel more comfortable and stick cheat notes around the perimeter of your screen with shorthand responses to prepared questions. Just don’t look at them too long during the interview though as it’ll give you away.

9. Consider your body language

Some of us naturally slump and rest our head in our hands when we sit at a computer. Be mindful that if you do this during a video interview you’ll come across as disinterested. Instead, sit up straight, loosen your shoulders and smile.

10. Be an active listener

While listening to the interviewer, remember to be responsive (“yes” or “hmm”) and nod as you would naturally do face-to-face. This will let them know you are alert and engaged.

11. Be cool with tech glitches

If all else fails, kindly tell the interviewer you will call them back. This will show them that you can keep composed in a crisis.

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