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Why You Should Take a Creative Holiday This Summer

Rest your mind, reset your approach and refocus yourself.

It’s easy to get stuck in a creative rut, particularly after a long year at work. Whether your craft is design, photography, music, writing or another creative pursuit, it’s a great idea to take a holiday and focus on what makes you tick. Here’s why.

To relax

First and foremost, the purpose of a holiday is to unwind and let yourself recharge. It’s easy to burn out when you work in a creative field, and often the best thing for your mind can be stepping from your projects. Head down to the coast, the countryside or anywhere you feel you can relax, and unwind with a book, an exercise routine or some alone time – it’ll do wonders for your productivity once you get back to work.

To consolidate

You’ve spent 12 months creating, writing, designing and more. It’s likely your vision and skill set has shifted throughout the year, and a holiday is a great time to ask yourself some useful questions. What did you learn? What did you love? What could you improve on? What are you proud of? There’s always space for reflection in a creative field, and it’s important to take some time to remember why you’re doing what you do, as well as what you’ve learned during the year. You’ll surprise yourself with how much you’ve achieved, and you’ll be able to identify areas to focus on in the future.

To inspire

A change of scenery is an excellent way to spark your creative fire again. Putting yourself in fresh surroundings helps inspire new projects and ideas. Take a contemplative walk wherever you’re holidaying, digest your surroundings. The beach might clear your head and help you focus, while a bustling city can get your mind rushing and inspire new ideas you may not have in your comfort zone at home.

To refocus

Once you’ve taken a breather, reflected on the past year and drawn some inspiration from your surroundings, set yourself some goals. Start with the immediate and ask yourself what you want to achieve with the rest of the holiday. Maybe you want to get some new shots, start designing something or write a new song. Once you’ve got a plan in mind, focus on some goals for the year and make a list of what you want to achieve. It’s a great way to get excited for the new year and give you a push in the right direction.

To create

You’ve spent all year working to briefs, going back and forth over projects and designing with an end result in mind. Now try to craft something new without constraints, at your own pace and in whatever direction you choose. Take all you’ve gathered from the points above and do something you love. Go and out take new photos, draw, write or play music. If you’ve been feeling burnt out, this will help you remember why you love what you do, and give you a fresh outlook going into next year. You’ll thank yourself for it.

Photography: Helena Dolby

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